Set Up EasyShare Address Book

1. In My Collection, click the Email tab and then click Address Book.

2. Click New and then do the following.

u Email address (required field). Type a valid email address. A valid email address includes a name, the @ symbol, a domain name, and suffix. A sample valid address is

u Nickname (required field). Type the nickname to be copied to the camera. The nickname can contain up to 10 characters, including any combination of letters (A through Z), numbers (0 through 9), supported symbols, and spaces. If you do not designate a nickname, a message is displayed when you attempt to copy the address to the camera.

NOTE: You cannot use Korean, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese text, or extended ASCII characters (for example, accented characters, umlauts, and so forth).

u Optional fields. Complete the name, address, and phone number fields.

3. Click OK and then click Done.

For information on sending email nicknames to the camera, click here.